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Discography: Julia EP (2002).  Available through: Sitruunamaailma. Official website: Deep Insight. Interview by: mpo. Date: March 5th-13th 2003.

Sometimes it dazzles me to see bands come and go. Some bands are hardly formed and then disbanded again. Out of the pile of newcomers I fished Deep Insight. This Finnish rock band surprised with a nice debut last year that also happened to be a concept EP. On this record the band discussed the emotional subject of suicide of the girl Julia which is also the title of the EP. Time to explore the depths of Deep Insight...


Deep Insight

Last year I was introduced to Deep Insight through your EP Julia. What and who are Deep Insight and how did the band come together?

Jukka (singer): Deep Insight is an emotional rock band with four members. We are: Jukka, vocals; Johannes, guitar; Joachim, drums; Kai, bass. It all started in the fall 2001 when Johannes decided to record couple of his songs just for fun. He searched for musicians, but all he got was Jukka, Kai and Petri (drums). When the recordings were over we got a gig at a high school Christmas party. After the show we decided to make this a real band. Petri wasnīt interested, so we had to find another drummer. Kaiīs cousin Joachim felt like the best choice, for he was interested and very talented.


I know your guitarist Johannes played in the now defunct band VIP, but did any of the others have pre-Deep Insight band experiences?

Jukka: I had a band with my friends from school when I was 15 years old. I played
the guitar. We had it only for six months or so.

Joachim (drummer): Well I've played in various bands before this one, all possible genres (blues, emo/punk, rock, poprock), and in a lot of these bands my cousin (our bass player) has been invovled and we've played together ever since he started playing the bass guitar.

Julia is your debut EP about a girl that committed suicide. Is this based on something that truly happened? What is the background of making such a concept EP?

Jukka: Well, people are committing suicide all the time, so you could say that itīs based on a true story. But in this case itīs not. When we started to make the songs we didnīt think about making a concept EP. But after Secure and September the pieces started to fall in place and it felt natural to make one story of the five songs.

The song September has that dark reflections of the girl contemplating death. What is the idea behind these dark kind of lyrics?

Jukka: To make people think about life, and how we should live it. And what is
waiting for us after we die, heaven or hell?

Musically you mixed various styles that you label as emotional rock. Emo is a trendy idea nowadays but there are a lot of different notions about it. How would you define emotional rock in Deep Insight's case?

Jukka: Itīs hard for us to define our own music. Especially now when we are going to record our new songs, which are more energetic then the ones on the Julia EP. We just try to express our own emotions trough out our songs. We think our music sounds like a mix of Anathema, Incubus and Katatonia with a twist of The Hellacopters.

Later this month you will start the recording of an album. What can be expected? Will it be a concept album? What are the musical developments? And what else can you already reveal about this record?

Jukka: It will be more energetic than the Julia EP. Itīs not going to be a concept album. Iīm afraid youīre going to have to wait until the record is out to see if there are any musical developments. Itīs hard to say anything about the album yet, when we are still in the process of making all the songs ready.

Before the release of the album you're going to bring out a single. Have you decided which song it will be?

Jukka: Actually the single will be released after the album. The song will be decided after all the songs have been recorded and mixed.


The release will properly be followed by a tour. There are talks of a Fullsteam Tour taking you through Europe. I've already heard about a show in The Netherlands. What are the plans?

Jukka: After the release we will be on a Fullsteam tour through Finland. After that, if everything goes as planned, we are going to tour in Europe for three to four weeks starting in the end of may. The shows would most likely be in Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Poland and Italy. The dates of the European tour will be confirmed later on our website.


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